Make the ubiquitous, usable.

  • Green.
  • Sustainable.
  • Connected.

The new server farm.

Think zucchini is only good for zucchini bread and blue ribbons? Think again. Beset by bushels of baseball bat-size courgettes*, our engineers saw possibility in this prolific garden denizen. Utilizing the latest in quantum computing (and some tomatoes), they found a way to connect courgettes into circuits.

*The British word for zucchini.

 Zucchini with
                    big data symbols

Stuff them with data.

Zucchini come in a wide range of sizes, expressed in units called zukes. Each zucchini can hold data in proportion to its volume. Our software scales the number of zukes (zucchini modules) to fit your organization's precise data needs. So whether you need gigabytes or zettabytes, your data needs are always covered.

green net with cogwheel symbols overlayed

Naturally neural.

Our engineers dove into how zucchini vines spread, entwine, and produce prolifically. We then used that information to develop and refine machine-learning algorithims. The result was a significant boost in the speed at which neural networks achieved target accuracy. Now imagine what this can do for your organization's data, people, and revenue.

globe symbol over four different zucchini

Locally-sourced storage that's globally available.

Thanks to the widespread cultivation of zucchini, you can choose to store data locally, regionally, or globally. Region-specific variants are available to meet regulatory compliance requirements. Onsite Zucchini Server installations are available; contact our HomeGrown Data division for specifics.